Privacy Policy
PROPERTY BUDDY ("The Company") strives to appropriately manage and protect any personal information*1 that the Company holds by adhering strictly to laws regarding the protection of personal information, guidelines from the appropriate authorities, our own privacy policy and applicable in-house standards.
1. The definition of "personal information" handled by the Company
Personal information is information that can identify any one individual such as his/her name, address or telephone number. The personal information handled by the Company includes information about our customers, shareholders, applicants for recruitment opportunities and our executive officers, directors, and employees (including but not limited to full-time employees, temporary employees, contract workers, and part-time personnel).
2.The definition of "utilization purposes"
The Company uses personal information provided for the following purposes:
Personal information from customers
3.The provision of personal information to third parties
The Company does not share personal information with third parties.
The Company reserves the right to change or revise this policy without prior notice to incorporate any changes in its procedures for protecting personal information or any regulatory changes.
- When acquiring personal information, the Company commits to acquire information by legitimate and honest means having first clarified the utilization purpose*2
- In circumstances other than those recognized by law, the Company uses personal information only for utilization purpose*2 that the Company has defined and determined.
- The Company employs necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the safe management of any personal information that it has acquired.
- With the exception of circumstances determined by this policy*3, the Company does not share personal information with third parties.
- The Company responds appropriately if an individual contacts the Customer Inquiry Desk*4, to query, amend, cease usage, prevent provision to a third party or delete personal information.
1. The definition of "personal information" handled by the Company
Personal information is information that can identify any one individual such as his/her name, address or telephone number. The personal information handled by the Company includes information about our customers, shareholders, applicants for recruitment opportunities and our executive officers, directors, and employees (including but not limited to full-time employees, temporary employees, contract workers, and part-time personnel).
2.The definition of "utilization purposes"
The Company uses personal information provided for the following purposes:
Personal information from customers
- To respond to, confirm or record queries, requests for advice, refinements or support.
- To provide invitations or information about products via email, services or upcoming campaigns, etc.
- To deliver products
- To improve or refine product development and other services.
3.The provision of personal information to third parties
The Company does not share personal information with third parties.
The Company reserves the right to change or revise this policy without prior notice to incorporate any changes in its procedures for protecting personal information or any regulatory changes.